Key Stage 2 BrightSparks Resources: Berlioz – Symphonie fantastique

In November 2021, the London Philharmonic Orchestra performed Hector Berlioz's 'Symphonie fantastique' to an audience of KS2 pupils and their teachers. Here, you can find a teachers' pack of resources based on this concert, which can be used to help deliver creative musical projects in the classroom.

During the concert, the audience was invited to join in with ‘Dans le Métro’, a song written by Rachel Leach all about travelling on the Parisian Metro system. Sheet music and a lyrics sheet can be found at the back of the Teachers’ Pack below. You can listen to the song below:


*If your school blocks the link to Soundcloud and you’d like access to the MP3 file of the song, please contact [email protected].

Share your creations!

If you would like to share any musical compositions or performances that your children create using these resources, please send any recordings to 

[email protected]


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