How to book

Find out how to book tickets for our concerts at the Southbank Centre.

Booking concert tickets is easy. Here’s how:

The easiest way to book is online – select your concert and click ‘book now’ to receive your tickets direct to your inbox. There is a transaction fee of £3.50 per booking.

Online purchases are fully secure, and can be made right up until the start of a concert.

Call our dedicated booking line where a member of our team will process your booking: 

020 7840 4242

Phone bookings can be made Mon–Fri, 10.00am–5.00pm (£4 transaction fee)

You can book tickets for our concerts in person at the Southbank Centre’s ticket office (no transaction fee).


If you have any access requirements for your visit to the Royal Festival Hall, please refer to the Southbank Centre's accessibility page for more information.

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