Streamed concerts
Watch the London Philharmonic Orchestra in high cinematic quality on Marquee TV.
Here you will find a catalogue of over 20 recordings on Marquee TV, with 10 new performances to be added this season. Concerts are free for 48 hours, after which they will be added to the LPO collection of concerts and accessible to Marquee TV subscribers.
How to access the free stream
⭐ Head on over to Marquee TV.
⭐ Look out for the purple ‘Free‘ label.
⭐ If you are not logged into your Marquee TV account, you should see a ‘Register‘ button below the thumbnail. Please log in to your account or register to access the free streaming. There’s no need to start a free trial or enter your credit card details.
⭐ Once you are logged in, the purple button on
the video will now say ‘Play‘. Sit back and enjoy, and stay tuned for upcoming streamed concerts in this season.