Key Stage 2 BrightSparks Resources – Petrushka

In this article you will find all you need to prepare your children for, or work with them in response to, the LPO's Key Stage 2 BrightSparks concert on 5 June 2018. Teachers who didn't attend the concert can still use the PDF Teachers' Pack to deliver a creative composition project in class, based on Igor Stravinsky's 'Petrushka'.

In our resources pack, available to download below, you will find ideas for creative projects inspired by Stravinsky’s ballet, as well as tips for teaching the participation song ‘Mr Cheadle’s Menagerie.’

You can find an audio playlist to help you teach the song here:

We have also created a video of the body percussion section (Figure F), which you can view here (opens in YouTube).

If you would like to share with us any musical compositions or performances your children create using these resources, please send any recordings to [email protected]


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