
LPO © Intersection

Corporate Partnerships


LPO © Intersection

Want to put your business in the spotlight, dazzle and inspire your guests or make a meaningful contribution to the lives of young people through music?

We know how to cause a sensation through sound, and our dedicated team are perfectly placed to curate the very best unforgettable, musical experiences.

Hit the right note with your team

Treat your team to a magical interactive experience with our FUNharmonics Family Concerts and have-a-go music making sessions.

Imagine a new way to train

Our creative employee training and teamwork workshops use the power of music to bring the thrill of imagination to the workplace.

Make an impact

Demonstrate your commitment to investing in a cause your business cares about. We can tailor a partnership around your core business priorities and help you to fulfil key CSR objectives in a creative and meaningful way.

Name it

If you’d like your business to be in the spotlight, how about one of our projects being named after you? If you want to support young talent, stream live concerts or offer reduced tickets to young people, we can make it happen.

Unleash the glamour

For an exquisite event that’s yours and yours alone, our team is uniquely placed to curate an exclusive bespoke package. With the finest music and an array of stunning London venues, guests are sure to be both dazzled and inspired.

Our annual Gala is a glittering night of entertainment, auction prizes and incredible food.

Our team makes your partnership easy, with a flexibility and a willingness to create bespoke events and packages to make your experience extra special.

Ready to find out more?

Don't just take our word for it. For more ideas, inspiration and information, get in touch:

Owen Mortimer – Corporate Relations Manager

[email protected]

020 7840 4210

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