Gift in Wills
Help others to experience the power of music by remembering the Orchestra in your Will.
Any gift, large or small, will help sustain the LPO and support us as we share the wonder of music with as wide an audience as possible.
Unrestricted gifts will allow us to use your donation where the Orchestra needs it most. Typically legacy gifts are placed in our Endowment Fund, where they work hard through investments to continue to benefit the Orchestra for years to come. However, should you wish, it is possible for you to specify how you would like the contribution to be used. For example, you may wish for it to support the work of our Education and Community programme or help us to commission new music.
The London Philharmonic Orchestra has offered me enrichment and excitement as a professional musician. I have made a bequest in recognition of the debt that I owe it for many wonderful musical experiences.
Ishani Bhoola, former LPO member
Your pledge in our confidence
It is always good to know if you have made provision for a gift to the Orchestra in your Will. We would love to be able to thank you, and to make sure that we know exactly how you would like your donation to be used.
If you choose to tell us that you have decided to remember us in this way we undertake to act with discretion and to ensure that anything you tell us is treated in confidence, unless you are happy for it to be made public.
Leave a legacy, pay less tax
Did you know that if your estate is worth over £325,000 and could therefore be subject to Inheritance Tax you can reduce your liability by making a charitable bequest? By leaving 10% of your estate to us, you can not only benefit the London Philharmonic Orchestra but also reduce your overall IHT bill from 40% to 36%.
How to leave a gift in your Will
To remember the London Philharmonic Orchestra in your Will, a short paragraph or clause can be added when your Will is being prepared. If you want to add the London Philharmonic Orchestra to your existing Will, your solicitor simply attaches a written instruction, called a codicil. This must be done by your solicitor as you may inadvertently invalidate your Will if you make the changes yourself. The codicil requires the signature of two independent witnesses. If there are a number of changes you want to make, it may be better to engage a solicitor to make an entirely new Will.
If you have not yet made a Will, it is advisable to make an appointment with a solicitor. Without one, you are not in control of what happens to your assets. If you have made a Will, it is wise to review it regularly.
For further information about how to leave a gift to the London Philharmonic Orchestra in your Will, please contact Rosie Morden.
For more information about leaving a legacy, please contact:
Rosie Morden – Senior Development Manager
[email protected]
020 7840 4212