Crisis Creates
A project offering creative performance opportunities to adults who have experienced or are at risk of homelessness.
Members of Crisis – all adults who have experienced homelessness – perform original music they have devised with LPO musicians and workshop leader Aga Serugo-Lugo during a week-long creative project.
Working with the national charity Crisis UK, Crisis Creates aims to improve participants’ wellbeing and confidence through self-expression, collaboration and developing creative skills. The project is a channel for participants to express themselves and to combat the isolation that comes hand-in-hand with precarious living situations. Using the music of the Orchestra as their starting point, the group creates new and powerful work which they will bring to the Royal Festival Hall stage.
This event takes place in the Royal Festival Hall auditorium and is free to attend, with no booking required.
Crisis Creates is generously supported by Scops Arts Trust.
Fri 22 Mar 2024, 6.00pm
London, Royal Festival Hall